Head’s News 28 April 2023 - 28th Apr, 2023

Some key points / updates for Families as we head into the May weekend; EID Celebrations – Thank you to Ms Mansour and the youngsters involved who planned an delivered a food / henna experience on Monday lunch time. It was interesting and the young people were very passionate in their support. NHS Job Opportunity […]

Head’s News 21 April 2023 - 21st Apr, 2023

Our first week back of the Summer term has been positive, busy and intense as final preparations are done prior to the National Assessments beginning next week. We also wished our S6 well as they had their final day of formal education before they return for their assessments. S4,5,6 Assessments – The National assessment season […]

Head’s News 31 March 2023 - 31st Mar, 2023

After a hectic term since Christmas, we head into the Easter break. For our younger years this is a moment to think of next steps as many begin to select subjects / pathways for the new school year. For our Seniors we know this holiday is one with assessments and doing well on young minds; […]

Head’s News 24 March 2023 - 24th Mar, 2023

As we enter the clock changing weekend there is a clear indication we are moving into spring / summer term. With that comes lots of events, activities and work towards young people achieving their hopes and outcomes with the support of school and home working together. Key points; S4,5,6 Assessment / Exams – Our S4,5,6 […]

Head’s News 17 March 2023…..sent Monday - 20th Mar, 2023

After a busy week of internal assessments across many subjects, thank you for the help and support provided as staff, families and partners came together to help improve outcomes for youngsters. We had our Improvement Plan reflection day on Friday with approx. 17 colleagues involved in either the full or part of the day including […]

Head’s News 10 March 2023 - 10th Mar, 2023

The weeks are going by fast as we progress through March, here are some key points below; Parent questionnaire – Please take a few minutes to complete this https://forms.office.com/r/c7n9kdXJMj , deadline is next Wednesday. We currently have aaprox 40 responses and it would be great to get to 400! Industrial Action – It appears that […]

Head’s News 3 March 2023 - 4th Mar, 2023

We were pleased this week when some school lever data was released by Scottish Govt. Our youngsters continue to work hard to achieve their goals with our outcomes in Literacy, Numeracy and across subjects all being above our national comparator. We were also pleased to see youngsters moving successfully into a positive destination of work, […]

Head’s News 24 Feb 2023 - 24th Feb, 2023

As we roll through February at pace, some updates below to help all; S3 into Senior Phase Parent info session – Great attendance and questions at our info evening for Parents. All relevant info to help with course choice can be found on our website here Pupil Choice Sheets / Info – (leithacademy.uk) . Industrial […]

Head’s News 10 Feb 2023 - 10th Feb, 2023

As we enter the February half term it has been an exciting and busy week with so much going on across a range of areas from visits, performances, sports and school recognition awards! Follow us on Twitter @leithacademy to keep up to date with depts across the school. Key points; School bags and equipment – […]

Head’s News 3 Feb 2023 - 3rd Feb, 2023

As we enter February with 1 week to go till the half term, schools begin to focus on and consider the assessment period on the horizon and our planning considerations for the 23/24 year. Some key points; Big Leith Give Away – A super event supporting our local families, thanks to all who supported and […]