Head’s News 15 May 2020 -
15th May, 2020
We once again arrive at the Friday of another week. Today I have also provided my update in the form of a face to face video to at least have some sort of ‘normalised’ contact with our pupils and families. Click here https://clickv.ie/w/WMbn The key points for today; New Learning We have made the move […]
Head’s News 10 May 2020 -
10th May, 2020
UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS 10TH MAY 2020 Primarily I hope you are all taking steps to remain safe and well within the continued restrictions. We would be in the full throws of our summer term by now with the exams progressing alongside internal assessments in school, work placements, P7 transition activities, moving pupils into a […]
Head’s News 1 May 2020 -
1st May, 2020
STAKEHOLDER UPDATE 1 MAY 2020 We enter May and I hope the week has been to some degree productive on various fronts. Learning will play its part from a school point of view but I hope there has been productivity in other ways within your family; doing things together, talking together more and exercising / […]
Head’s News 24 April 2020 -
24th Apr, 2020
UPDATE TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS 24 APRIL 2020 Week one is complete of the summer term. There are several updates below linking to the position we are in now and also to some of the steps and plans we are discussing as a school as we move through the summer term. Key points; SQA Please continue […]
Head’s News 19 April 2020 -
19th Apr, 2020
Ordinarily we would be returning from the Easter break excited at the start of the Summer term and ready for a wide variety of school events from Exams to our Evening of Celebration. We all know that this is clearly not the case. The priority remains that if at all possible we stay at home […]
Head’s News 3 April 2020 -
3rd Apr, 2020
UPDATE FOR STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY 3 APRIL 2020 This is a follow on message from yesterday’s briefing. As we officially enter the Easter break it will not have the usual interactions we associate with the beginning of Summer. SQA As mentioned yesterday we were awaiting a statement from the Scottish Qualifications Authority. This came […]
Head’s News 2 April 2020 -
2nd Apr, 2020
UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY 2 APRIL 2020 In ordinary times we would be completing our term at Leith Academy tomorrow and wishing our pupils and their families a pleasant Easter holiday. We are certainly not in that place at present. Thank you to all stakeholders. Our staff, our parents, our pupils and […]
Head’s News 29 March 2020 -
29th Mar, 2020
EMAIL WHICH WAS SENT OT ALL PARENTS ON FRIDAY 27 MARCH 2020 Dear Parent / Carer / Family, We hope you are doing as well as possible in these circumstances. Thank you for following the guidance where possible and keeping yourself and your children / family at home. This will help the work we are […]
Head’s News 24 March 2020 -
24th Mar, 2020
UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY The announcement last night from the Prime Minister and First Minister naturally is triggering conferences and meetings as we adjust to the situational developments. I have tried to take the significant amounts of information coming in at present and provide you with what may be useful to us […]
Head’s News 23 March 2020 -
23rd Mar, 2020
STATEMENT FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS AT LEITH ACADEMY You will have seen from Sunday’s update there have been some developments in certain areas; SQA and coursework. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister spoke plainly that pupils are not to be in schools to complete SQA coursework. Schools have been shut for medical reasons in preventing disease spread, especially […]