Head’s News 30 Oct 2020 - 30th Oct, 2020

This has been a particularly busy week with updates and developments, Edinburgh as you know is in Level 3 of the latest Govt thresholds. It will be useful to familiarise yourself and your family the implications around this Govt based level. I have highlighted some points I think are of interest to Pupils and Families; […]

School update 26 Oct 2020 - 26th Oct, 2020

We hope you had an enjoyable break last week. Today our staff were working on plans and details linked to our ongoing recovery. We have a big half term coming up, normally filled with presentations, concerts, parents’ eve and prelim assessments – all of which we are rethinking in line with National and Council advice […]

Head’s News 16 Oct 2020 - 16th Oct, 2020

My continued thanks to all our staff, pupils and families for the joint effort, work and support as we have navigated our way through a school half term like no other. Our community spirit which we have in Leith will be needed as we return through November and December so this break presents a welcome […]

Head’s News 9 Oct 2020 - 9th Oct, 2020

This week has had several updates for schools but also in our wider community as restrictions change. The weather turns to Autumn and this in itself will continue to bring added challenge to how we adapt through the pandemic. My communication yesterday was specifically linked to the SQA news and signposting you to the Parent […]

School update - 8th Oct, 2020

Following the announcements yesterday from Nicola Sturgeon First Minister and John Swinney Deputy First Minister we will continue to plan our next steps. Andy Gray, Chief Education Officer has written to all Parents. The letter can be found here and you should have received a text taking you to the Council website. The SQA latest […]

Head’s News 2 Oct 2020 - 2nd Oct, 2020

With 2 weeks till the October half term we are continuing to work hard to provide a balance of a happy, supportive learning environment alongside a safe and secure space in terms of infection control. The later depends heavily on our individual actions and I thank our Pupils and Staff for their continued efforts here. […]

Head’s News 25 Sept 2020 - 25th Sep, 2020

As we complete September and enter October next week we continue to work within the unpredictable landscape of the pandemic. Thank you for the support and understanding of those who were impacted by the positive case we had in our community which linked into the School. We received good support from ScotGovt and the NHS […]

Covid19 2nd Update 21Sept - 21st Sep, 2020

We have followed the guidelines set out by the NHS Team and have an update below. Please see a letter attached from NHS Lothian. This is the 2nd message from Mr Irving and NHS Lothian As you already know, we are aware of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We […]

Covid19 Update 21 Sept 2020 - 21st Sep, 2020

Pupils, Parents, Partners, We received an update from NHS Lothian today. There is no cause for alarm and the school remains open. Message from Mr Irving and NHS Lothian We were informed today of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We are working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following […]

Head’s News 18 Sept 2020 - 18th Sep, 2020

Today we start the September weekend which presents us with a Monday holiday. We hope our families have a nice long weekend and that the weather holds in a positive way. Some key points and updates below; Staggered times Our staggered times and entry points will remain in place for next week. See earlier posts […]