News section: News

Welcome back to all from the Feb half term as we enter a busy period approaching Easter / Spring. Key points; Covid changes – Scottish Govt have announced changes to begin next week; Face coverings are to be worn in corridors and communal areas, they are no longer required during lessons. Youngsters can still wear […]

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As we reach the half term break it has been a busy time with assessments, course choice, reports (to name a few aspects) to help gauge progress and ongoing discussions with young people and their families about best next steps. Thanks for your help at home with these conversations and the sharing of messages / […]

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With 5 working days to go until we enter the Feb half term, the work is busy as conversations with young people, families and partners all take place to support youngsters into their new paths for the following school year and provide feedback to help them improve their outcomes. Thank you for the support at […]

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As we leave January and enter February we have 10 working days to go until the half term week. There is plenty of focus and business to take care of, together, in that time. Key points; Cultural Calendar – We had a Burns influenced day on Tuesday last week, thanks to all who contributed and […]

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Another busy week, some key points for this week; Uniform – Can Parents please ensure our Leith uniform is worn to School each day, PE kit brought in a school bags. Appropriate additional layers can be worn if needed. Speak to your House Head if you need support. We try to keep this simple for […]

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First full week back, well done to all as we move into a busy period of Course Choice, Assessment, Tracking, Learner Conversations, Parents’ Eve and Curriculum planning –  all geared towards helping young people achieve the goals they set themselves. Key points; Parent info! – All pupils should come to school in uniform, PE kit […]

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Despite some temperamental heating issues yesterday and today we were able to welcome youngsters back to Leith. We had engineers on site all day and Edinburgh Council provided portable heaters to help get us to a temperature we could work with. By around mid-morning the heating was fully repaired and coming through. We are advised […]

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Due to a boiler and heating issue across the School, we were unable to open safely today due to the temperature being too low for working conditions. The repair is well underway and we are told we will be in a position to open normally tomorrow at 8.30am. An email has been sent to Parents […]

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As we enter the final half day before we break for the holiday period, we are all regrettably feeling a sense underwhelmed with the recent developments linked to the pandemic. That said, our youngsters, staff, parents and partners have done outstanding work over term 1 Aug-Dec in supporting as full a return to learning as […]

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As we enter the final week before the end of term 1, we will keep you posted as things develop through next week on a number of fronts. For now some key points are; Assembly from M. Irving Please see the video assembly from Mr Irving on Back to Basics as we end 2021 and […]

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