Head’s News 28 Feb 2020 - 28th Feb, 2020

This week has been dominated by our Eco Drive with the Pupil Council. We were joined today by Ben MacPherson MSP who spoke with young people about the ideas they have to make Leith Academy greener. He also spoke with our community as we celebrated Purple Friday. Some further updates are below; Purple Friday As […]

Head’s News Feb 21 2020 - 21st Feb, 2020

As we return from the mid term break we are preparing ourselves for a very busy and significant term. S6 pupils are entering their final 7 weeks of formal Schooling and our younger pupils are getting set for their choices and transition into the next year group. Some updates for you below; Uniform update How […]

Head’s News 7 Feb 2020 - 7th Feb, 2020

Leith Dress Code Update Every year as we approach Spring we take a closer look at our uniform and dress code. The code is simple and easy to follow for Parents. Please support us with this. Please use the half term to update any items if needed as we will be checking carefully on our […]

Head’s News 31 Jan 2020 - 31st Jan, 2020

As we hurtle towards the half term holiday next week we have a big week planned supporting Mental Health, Diversity and our Business Links. See below; Diversity Day NEXT THURSDAY – Is our famous Diversity Day where we will have stalls, shows, food, refreshments, performances and many more exciting activities for all Pupils and Parents. […]

Head’s News 17 Jan 2020 - 17th Jan, 2020

Another busy and successful week at Leith Academy as the days get longer. 3 weeks today we break up for the February holiday so every lesson / day / week counts as we enter the ‘choice’ process as pupils select their pathways. Some highlights and key points to keep you informed; Dance Team 5 pupils […]

Supported Study Schedule - 13th Jan, 2020

The following sessions are being offered by staff to help pupils make improvements based on their post prelim feedback from teachers. There are a huge number of sessions running, so please make use of these and plan them into your revision schedules. https://leithacademy.uk/pupils/supported-study-schedule/

Head’s News 10 Jan 2020 - 10th Jan, 2020

Wishing you all a Happy New Year as we enter 2020 at Leith Academy. We’ve had a very positive first week back with Pupils, Staff and Partners energised and ready to deliver improved outcomes for the young people of Leith. Time will go quickly with only 4 weeks today until the Feb half-term. This is […]

YPI Final 2019! - 16th Dec, 2019

The Youth Philanthropy Initiative Final is on Thursday (19th Dec) afternoon and we look forward to showcasing our S3 presentations for this year. We will reveal the names of the finalists to the pupils today, and those pupils will be out of lessons for the day on Thursday so that they can rehearse during periods […]

Head’s News 13 Dec 2019 - 13th Dec, 2019

Staff, Pupils and Partners Prelims The prelims finish today, thank you for the support you have provided to the young adults as they ‘take stock’ of where they are in their courses. Our next steps are to mark and give feedback on what has gone well and what next steps are needed to plan for […]

Head’s News 6 Dec 2019 - 6th Dec, 2019

As we enter December the festive season is beginning to come to life within the Academy. It is as ever a busy and hectic time from performances to prelims happening across the school over the coming weeks. My Christmas letter has been emailed to Parents and I trust this gives you time to make any […]