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A busy week with Active Girls / Boys Sports focus for S1 today and Danish visitors during the week. With 1 week to go until the half term, some key points below; Study Support – As we approach the autumn, we have a great offer of study support across the School. See our website page […]

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As we enter October next week see below some key updates and news including road safety, trips and wider activities for youngsters; Road Safety – Please note the double yellow lines in place at the road / bend next to our front entrance. Drivers, please drive with care when taking this bend as children are […]

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Some key points and updates for Families; Duke of Edinburgh – Mr Miller & Miss Kelman would like to welcome applicants to apply for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze 2024-25.  This is open to all S4 pupils – however there are only 30 spaces available. Should over 30 pupils apply then the Personal Statement in the MS Forms […]

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We have the long weekend as we move through September, School is closed on Monday with all returning in Leith uniform ready to learn on Tuesday morning at 8.30am. Key points and news below; S1 Lunchtime – Please see a separate letter emailed to S1 Families from the Head Teacher regarding breaks and lunches from […]

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Our website front page now has the 2024/25 Pupil Leadership Team on display as we come to the end of another positive week. Some updates and key points of information are below; S1 Teambuilding Activity Day – A great day for our S1’s again this year as they engaged in a range of activities that […]

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As we head into September after another busy and successful week, some key points are noted below; Sports Club – Sign up is now open. All youngsters are encouraged to attend a club to help support well being and learning. See the PE Team to register your interest in our wide range of Sports. We […]

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After our first full week back we are in full flow with many events and activities happening across the School as our S1 began to find their way through the school day without the great support of their S6 Buddies as they need to get back to lessons / learning. Some key points; Housekeeping – […]

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It has been a short but positive week back for all our staff, pupils and partners. The youngsters have looked very smart in their Leith uniform and the new Leith Black Hoodies have been very popular. These can be ordered using the form below. Key points; School Photos – Our annual School photo for S1,4 […]

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We hope you have had a restful and enjoyable summer as we look forward to the 2024/25 year at Leith Academy. We start at 8.30am sharp and youngsters should arrive at Leith ready to learn (uniform, iPad, equipment, PE kit). There will be assemblies for all year groups to welcome them back and set a […]

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As we complete the final week of another busy and successful year at Leith Academy. Please also look out for your annual ‘mail shot’ where we will send some essential documents to all Families via post and email during July. Some final key points; Head Pupils 2024/25 – Following a process of voting, interview and […]

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End of term – We finish for summer break next Friday. Lunch will be at 12midday. Those needing a free packed lunch will collect on the way out. We hope this helps with planning as we enter the final week of the School year. New Leith Hoodie – We’re a bit late to this party […]

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An extremely busy week not only in School but across our wider work in the community helping young adults develop their skills, qualities and attributes in the outside world whether that be in leading, performing, helping others or planning events. Super work from all involved. Some key points; Catering final week – Due to electrical […]

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As we complete week 1 of the new timetable it has been another busy week in the summer term, see key points for Families below; Staffing – Farewell to PC Verity Ferry after a decade of fantastic support for our Families and Staff, we welcome PC Steven Patterson as our new School Link Officer working […]

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The final week of our 23/24 timetable is complete as we look forward to the new opportunities the 24/25 timetable brings our young Leithers. Some key points below to help; SQA exams end – Well done to all our youngsters who have completed their national assessments. Our Team of invigilators were extremely complimentary of the […]

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As we head into the final week of exams we begin to prepare for the new timetable as S1 become S2, S2 become S3 and so on. Our S3’s enter the Senior Phase of the School as part of our S4,5,6 Adult learners. It’s an exciting time and June is an important month to capitalise […]

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It’s Victoria Day weekend in Edinburgh so Monday is a holiday. There are some national exams still going ahead on Monday so please check if this applies to your S4,5,6 child / learner. We will see everyone else on Tuesday morning for an 8.30am start in Leith Academy uniform, ready to learn. If you need […]

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A shorter week for youngsters as we progress through May. Some key points below; Uniform – Thank you for the support in this area as we continue to keep standards and expectations high. We are having conversations with young people on a daily basis if they need support. Contact us by email on if […]

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With exams underway we enter the holiday weekend. Please note Monday is a holiday, Tuesday is In Service for Staff only. On Tuesday there are also SQA exams / assessments, please check this carefully if your child is to be in School on Tuesday as per their SQA calendar. Wednesday all children return to School […]

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With the national assessments / exams now underway and many other great events and experiences happening across the School this week, see below for key points and follow our X / Twitter feed for news. Parent Council – We had a Parent Council meeting last night which was as ever positive and supportive as we […]

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As we complete our first week back into the Summer term, some key points below; Free School Meals – Many Families who are entitled to Govt financial support for clothing and school meals do not apply. If you think you may be eligible, please see the links with info below; Scottish Assessment leave […]

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Welcome back as we enter the Summer term 2024. This is a term of final preparations for our senior learners and the beginning of preparations for our new P7’s coming into S1. In between all of this is the new timetable and a period of time where we reflect on the 23/24 school year and […]

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The busy weeks continue with assessments all through this week in a variety of subjects with our youngsters performing, presenting and displaying really high levels of commitment, maturity and desire to be successful – well done to all and we hope this helps you get the outcomes you want / need for your next steps. […]

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Be Prepared – Uniform and iPad charge. Please see email from Mr Irving last week and thank you to those Families supporting their youngster within our expectations of dressing appropriately for School / Learning / Work. HPV Vaccination forms – Please ensure these forms are returned by 22nd March for the upcoming HPV vaccine on […]

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Another busy week with assessments in Technology, Music, Languages and other areas across the School as the internal work gets packaged and finalised for the SQA. We also had groups from our P7 / New S1 coming in to visit which was great to see in PE, Science and generally getting to know the building. […]

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Some key points; Culture Day 2024 – A superb event once again was planned, led and organised by our young people from our hugely diverse School community. The dress, the food, the music and the atmosphere was something to be very proud of alongside our values of Respect and Diversity at Leith Academy. Thanks to […]

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As we complete our first week back here are some updates in what is an important phase within schools. Once again our youngsters are doing great work on a daily basis to reach their goals and develop as young adults / citizens in their communities. S4,5,6 Focussed Mentors – We have well over 20 staff […]

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The Christmas to February half term is always a busy and dark one! As we progress through it we see the days get longer and spring begins to show signs when we return. Our young Leithers have been working very hard across the many aspects of their learning, some key points below to keep you […]

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As we enter February with a week to go until the mid term break, here are some updates below. Assessment window 2 – The assessment and tracking processes we enter every year are now well underway particularly with our Senior Phase youngsters. This is an important time for them; we held assemblies this morning with […]

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As we move out of January some key points below; We need support! Hello, Leithers!  If you live / work / study in Leith than you are eligible to vote in the Leith Chooses community ballot.  We have an application with SHE Scotland Empower women and young girls | Edinburgh | SHE Scotland to come […]

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Some key updates below; S2 Parents’ Eve – A great turn out online and hopefully a useful session for our staff and families to talk over things that are going well and things to improve as we enter the S2 into S3 course choice process. Talking over things is really important, if you have questions […]

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A great first week back as we begin 2024 with our youngsters getting back into the routine of coming in to what is a busy term in schools. Some key points; S2 into S3 – We had a full house on Thurs evening as we delivered an information session for Parents on the S2 choice […]

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As we come to the end of term I want to take time to thank our Families for the combined support we give the young people of Leith on a daily basis. Our youngsters are a joy to work with and support every day at the Mighty Leith Academy!…..but supporting these outcomes involves us all […]

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A busy week with some great events on including Choir Singing at our local Care Home, Inter House Swim Gala and Inter House Table Tennis for House points. Our Advanced Highers Drama performance to Friends and Family and a Parental engagement session using 3D Printers and Laser Cutters! Next week coming is busy with many […]

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Another busy week and I give credit to all of our S4,5,6 youngsters sitting assessments. They have been a credit to themselves and I hope the feedback they now get with marks / next steps is useful as they plan for the New Year. Some key points: S1 Family Engagement Craft Fayre – This event […]

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As we enter December it is as ever an extremely busy time in Schools and in our own Family lives. Some updates below to help keep you informed; Term dates – We have the term dates from Council for 25/26 and for 26/27. We as Head Teachers feedback our thoughts to the authority to help […]

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Assessment window – This begins next week, thank you for the setting up from staff, the encouragement from home and to Ms Watson for leading us through this important phase. We wish all youngsters well, the assessments present an opportunity to sit the papers and take stock of what is going well and what needs […]

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Prelim assessment window 1 – Our prelim timetable has been issued to S4,5,6 and has been sent to Families to support along with the assembly presentation.  Any pupils with coincident prelims should speak to Miss Watson asap. Parents’ Eve S4,5,6 – We had a positive evening with a great turn out for our Cowan / […]

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A busy week and especially today with our service to remember those who have fallen in conflict then a fantastic guest speaker in the afternoon. Some updates below; Remembrance – We held our annual ceremony in memory of conflicts across the world. The service content and themes are co-created by our School Chaplin Rev May […]

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As we enter November with Fireworks weekend, it was another busy week at Leith with updates below; Planned Industrial Action next Wednesday – As per previous communication / email sent to Families. S1-3 will switch to online learning activities from home, S4-6 will be in school with reduced support staffing in place, though risk assessed […]

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As we return after the half term we’re straight into a busy week with many updates. See below main points to help; Show Racism The Red Card – In line with our values of Respect and Diversity, we have been raising awareness of the national program SRTRC across the School this week; -Items of red […]

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After an busy and successful first half term, we hope you have a restful break. Some updates for Families below; Inter House football – was a great event across S1-S6 with all players enjoying the event, demonstrating good skills and working together in teams (Leith Skills)! Cowan took the House points! Greenspace – There is […]

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A busy week with visits, activities and events linked to local and national priorities. Some key points below for Families; Girls and young people in Sport Week – Today we had some fantastic activities for all S1 and S2 learners where we shared the importance of being active and taking part in activity that keeps […]

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Industrial Action – The last few days were challenging for all involved and we were glad to see Schools full of young people again today. Thank you for the Family support where possible as our young adults worked through their learning. We’re all hopeful a deal is reached and we will keep all updated as […]

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Industrial Action / Strike – As it stands at time of writing, the planned industrial action of support work colleagues will go ahead on Tues, Wed, Thurs next week. The School will be closed to all learners (the colleagues on strike support building, water, heating, fire alarm, locks / security, cleaning, catering for example). These […]

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As we complete the first section of the School year we hope our new arrivals are settling in and our experienced pupils are getting into good routines as they aim for success! Another busy week with some key updates below; S1’s Break and Lunch time – Over recent weeks we have observed our S1’s as […]

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A particularly busy week with our S1 Teambuilding Day our Sports Club Fayre and a visit from the SQA Chief Executive today on the work we do to support young people achieve their best outcomes! We also had trips and events through the week, see our Twitter / X feed @leaithacademy for updates and pictures. […]

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Some key points from this week as we enter September; Letter from the Council – Please see attached. Parent Council – We had a positive turn out at Parent Council this week where we covered a range of themes and exciting opportunities around the area of fundraising. If you would like to be part of […]

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It’s been a busy first week back with some great moments across the week and our new S1’s getting more familiar with their day to day work. As ever in busy Secondary Schools, there were some challenges and obstacles to overcome! It was positive to work with young people and their families to support as […]

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Our first week complete, it was busy, quick and really positive to see all our youngsters back looking smart and ready for work, learning and success. Some key points for Families below; Head Pupils and Pupil Leadership Team – After a real life process of application, presentations and interviews we are delighted to share our […]

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We hope our Leith community had a positive summer whatever it involved. Plans are well underway to welcome our youngsters back to Leith on Wednesday morning with an 8.30am start. Every year we email Families in July with some key info to help all prepare for the new year ahead, always an exciting time as […]

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As we come to the end of the 2022/23 School session, I want to congratulate all of our young people on their work through the year. I want to thank our staff and partners for their work in doing all they can to support our young Leithers. To Families, thank you for the crucial work […]

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As we complete the final full week, our last few days keep us busy until the end of term. Key points below; P7 into S1 Transition 3 days – A superb 3 day visit for our new S1’s, the energy, the feedback and the enthusiasm were clear to see. Thanks to everyone involved in pulling […]

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A great week as we held Sports Personality, Eve of Celebration and with our S6 Prom this evening. New S1’s next week as we continue through a busy term. Updates below; Cowan crowned! – Inter House, Spelling Bee, Christmas Quiz, Sports day, Best display board, merits and many more activities across the year brought us […]

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Another busy week at School with key points below; New Timetable – Our first week of the 23/24 timetable has gone smoothly, thanks to all for the dynamic response to help youngsters if they are lost or with any tweaks. Now is the time for youngsters to begin their new year in a positive and […]

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As we enter June we come out of the National Assessment season (all of our young adults handled the assessments very maturely and proactively) and into the new timetable season. Some key updates below; New 2023/24 Timetable – All learners should arrive at Leith Academy for a sharp 8.30am start. New timetables are being issued […]

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As we enter June whilst coming to the end of the SQA assessment season next week, we look towards new timetables, new S1’s and new goals for the coming 23/24 year. Some key updates below; S1 Parents’ Eve – We had a very positive evening with Parents in person for the S1 Parents’ eve. The […]

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The Edinburgh Victoria Day holiday is this Monday with all pupils and staff returning on Tuesday. Some updates and key points below; Spring Fling 2023! Our annual spring concert was a great success last night with outstanding performances on the stage and behind the scenes. Well done to all the performers, Teachers and Music Instrumental […]

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We continue through May with our Team Vortex F1 in Schools program working their way through a line of cars in the car park raising funds and awareness. Details and pictures next week. For now some key points below; S1 Parents’ Eve 25th May, IN PERSON – We welcome our S1 Parents for an update […]

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Two short weeks with various events and holidays keep the pace of weeks fast as we enter May. Some key points and updates below; Leith Loves Learning Festival – Teaching staff had an excellent training morning of discussion, reflection and thinking about how we as Teachers can spend time developing aspects of our learning and […]

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Some key points / updates for Families as we head into the May weekend; EID Celebrations – Thank you to Ms Mansour and the youngsters involved who planned an delivered a food / henna experience on Monday lunch time. It was interesting and the young people were very passionate in their support. NHS Job Opportunity […]

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Our first week back of the Summer term has been positive, busy and intense as final preparations are done prior to the National Assessments beginning next week. We also wished our S6 well as they had their final day of formal education before they return for their assessments. S4,5,6 Assessments – The National assessment season […]

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After a hectic term since Christmas, we head into the Easter break. For our younger years this is a moment to think of next steps as many begin to select subjects / pathways for the new school year. For our Seniors we know this holiday is one with assessments and doing well on young minds; […]

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As we enter the clock changing weekend there is a clear indication we are moving into spring / summer term. With that comes lots of events, activities and work towards young people achieving their hopes and outcomes with the support of school and home working together. Key points; S4,5,6 Assessment / Exams – Our S4,5,6 […]

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After a busy week of internal assessments across many subjects, thank you for the help and support provided as staff, families and partners came together to help improve outcomes for youngsters. We had our Improvement Plan reflection day on Friday with approx. 17 colleagues involved in either the full or part of the day including […]

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The weeks are going by fast as we progress through March, here are some key points below; Parent questionnaire – Please take a few minutes to complete this , deadline is next Wednesday. We currently have aaprox 40 responses and it would be great to get to 400! Industrial Action – It appears that […]

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We were pleased this week when some school lever data was released by Scottish Govt. Our youngsters continue to work hard to achieve their goals with our outcomes in Literacy, Numeracy and across subjects all being above our national comparator. We were also pleased to see youngsters moving successfully into a positive destination of work, […]

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As we roll through February at pace, some updates below to help all; S3 into Senior Phase Parent info session – Great attendance and questions at our info evening for Parents. All relevant info to help with course choice can be found on our website here Pupil Choice Sheets / Info – ( . Industrial […]

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As we enter the February half term it has been an exciting and busy week with so much going on across a range of areas from visits, performances, sports and school recognition awards! Follow us on Twitter @leithacademy to keep up to date with depts across the school. Key points; School bags and equipment – […]

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As we enter February with 1 week to go till the half term, schools begin to focus on and consider the assessment period on the horizon and our planning considerations for the 23/24 year. Some key points; Big Leith Give Away – A super event supporting our local families, thanks to all who supported and […]

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Another busy week with our Cultural dress day today at Leith Academy. We also have our Big Leith Give Away this afternoon where families can come and see what is available and offer to them, for free. Key updates; Big Leith Give Away for Families this afternoon – Family Engagement – We had an excellent […]

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Another busy week in Leith with some key points below; S2 Parents Eve – The feedback from the online evening was that broadly speaking connectivity was a more positive experience for most. If you were unable to speak with staff about progress and next steps, please email us at and we will direct your […]

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Our first full week back of 2023 and it was busy with events, assemblies, Parent info sessions and all the energy of a working week! Key points; Industrial Action – We are hopeful a deal is agreed as soon as possible with Govt and Union officials. The next planned strike day that impacts Edinburgh is […]

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Welcome back to all young people, families, partners and staff as we return for 2023. Our vision statement at Leith is Success in Learning for All and we hope our young people with support from those around them will reach the goals they aim for! Some key points; Possible Strike Action – Discussions are ongoing […]

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As we come to the end of the calendar year I want to congratulate and thank all of our young people and their families on the efforts and commitment throughout the term. Schools are busy, dynamic, energetic and emotional places…….but our values and belief in doing the right things for young people is what brings […]

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As we complete the last full week, we wish you all a Merry Christmas via our wonderful card design from Florence in S1! Christmas Show – An outstanding range of performances and talent on display last Wednesday evening with over 300 attending. Well done to the creative team and support teams round this for pulling […]

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As we enter the final full week of the calendar school year it’s back to pre pandemic business with shows, events, celebration and success across the school! Some key points below; Christmas Show tickets – These are selling fast so please get your ticket through Parent Pay. If you have any questions email The […]

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Following our update on Friday regarding Thursday’s planned strike action by some colleagues across the Country there have been ongoing meetings with Senior Council staff. Please see below key points to help minimise what is a disruptive time for all involved; Thursday – Young people do not come into school on Thursday. Pupils will have online learning provided […]

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Industrial Action / Strike – Colleagues from the SSTA Union are potentially on strike next Thursday 8th Dec. Each School has a differing number of colleagues in each Union, at Leith, the majority of our Teaching staff are SSTA. There will be some finer details early next week, but for now the key points to […]

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As we come to the end of November, the month of Christmas is upon us. It is a particularly busy time of year for all schools, but our young people are working hard to get the best outcomes and learning they can each day, thanks to the support provided at home. Key points; Mid-Year Assessments […]

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Updates from this week: Strike Day – Information has been shared from the Council / Authority whilst we put together plans linked specifically to Leith. To reiterate, school buildings will be closed to all pupils across Edinburgh. We will keep all updated with finer details as we enter next week and approach Thursday. Mid Year […]

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Today, on Nov 11th across the country we held our remembrance service in School which is joint created between our S6 Prefects and our Rev Ian May from South Leith Parish Church (where Leith Academy began in 1560). As ever this was a sensitive and poignant moment of thought and reflection, at a global time […]

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It’s bonfire weekend and we hope whatever fun people have, it is safe and well planned. Some key points for Families this week; Mid Year Assessments / Prelims – Ms Watson is pulling together plans and details for the upcoming assessment window during Nov / Dec (see dates on our calendar section). Our youngsters in […]

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It was good to be back following the half term break as we enter a busy time of year in schools across the country. Key points; S4/5/6 Online Parents’ Eve – Families in Anderson House and Barton House will have their Parents’ eve next week (Tuesday 1st Nov). Emails will be sent to Families to […]

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As we reach the half term, our young people and their Families have worked extremely positively to support and have high aspirations for the young people of Leith! We have next week as a break, the Monday is an extra holiday due to the passing of the Queen and the Tuesday is Staff In Service […]

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With 1 week to go till the half term, some key points below for Families; S1 iPads – These have been rolled out all week, thanks to staff and Parents / Families for helping youngsters adjust to their new ‘kit’! Please ensure the devices are charged and ready to be used to enhance learning. S1 […]

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As the weather turns towards Autumn / Winter, another busy week with the youngsters of Leith. Key points below; Exceptional School Closure – Please see below a letter from the Council outlining the change to school dates. Monday 24th October is now an additional holiday, the 25th October is now an In Service day for […]

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Thank you for supporting the S6 Fundraiser with our opt in dress down. We’re back to normal Leith uniform, ready to learn / work on Monday. A busy time of year as ever with several updates across several year groups for Families to be aware of. S4-6 How to Pass Your National Qualifications Evening – […]

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As we enter the September long weekend, well done to all youngsters / families as they come mid-way through the first half term. Schools are closed on Monday,  we will see the young people of Leith on Tuesday at 8.25am for an 8.30am start. Key points; S1 Letter – This has been sent by email […]

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On behalf of Leith Academy our thoughts are with the Queen’s Family following her passing this week. Key points; After School Clubs – Our lunch and after school clubs program is building with a great offer available. These opportunities and clubs are free for all to use. Please encourage your child to take part. See […]

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After another busy and successful week we enter September. Some key points to update Families below; Inter House – Well done to the staff and pupils involved in the Inter House Football competition last week. All seemed to have a great time and House points have been awarded! Get involved – After school clubs are […]

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Well done to all as we travel through our first full week with School photos and Inter House SPorts beginning next week. Some key points for Families; House Captains – After an application and selection process, well done to the young adults below on becoming House Captains for the year; Anderson – Neve Sellar Barton […]

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Welcome back and well done to all youngsters and families for what we hope has been a really positive return to Leith Academy. Special congratulations to our S1’s as they begin their secondary school phase in the S1-3 Broad General Education. We shared this welcome video from Mr Irving on Day 1 with all pupils, […]

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We lok forward to welcoming the young people of Leith back to school tomorrow (Wednesday) morning from 8.30am. All families will have received our information pack over the course of July which hopefully help preparations for the new school year. Throughout the year, doing the basics well will help; -Set the alarm! We will see […]

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As we end the School session 2021/22 we want to thank the continued and unconditional support of Parents for their children and for the school. It’s been another interesting year but we have certainly felt more like ourselves over the last few weeks / months since Easter. Some key points below to keep you updated; […]

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As we enter the final week of the 2021/22 School year, the business and intensity continues with this week having our School Show, Prefect interviews, Eve of Celebration and some S6 YPI charitable work! Some main points to keep you updated….. -School Calendars 2022/23 – We work through a detailed plan of additions and changes […]

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P7 Transition / New S1 – It was great to have the new S1 in the school for their 3 day visit. They were a credit to their Families and their Primary School. Great work from Mr Fox, Ms Watson and all for co-ordinating the activities, supports and celebrations of success through the 3 days. […]

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Another busy week with many points of interest, success, achievement and information to share below; –New Timetable – we have taken the first steps into our new timetable, thank you for the work in settling this in and to the work of Mr Stewart and our team in the Office keeping on top of the […]

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My congratulations to all our young Leithers as they complete the 21/22 timetable. We all hope the new timetable starting on Monday has less covid 22/23 interruption. New Timetable – This begins on Monday, Mr Stewart and our admin team have done a super job in pulling all the requests / choices together in the […]

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Next week is a short week with Jubilee across the country, we’re in School Monday, Tues, Wed only. Another busy and productive week with Battle of the Bands happening today, more on the photos and results next week. Key points: Parents’ Evenings 22/23 – Thank you for the returns from stakeholders, please see attached our […]

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Some important updates for this week; Parents’ Evenings 22/23 – Thank you for the returns from Parents and Staff, there are varied responses from different viewpoints, which is not a surprising outcome. We are working through the details and will keep all informed of the plan for the next school year soon. S1 Parents’ Eve […]

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Some key points for Families below; SQA – Thanks for all the support to young adults through the assessments. Attendance has been excellent so far, though there is no denying the anxiety / nerves they feel as they care and want to do well, it’s important we all help to take the heat out of […]

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We hope you had a nice May Day holiday weekend, some key points to help are below; Parents eve 22/23 – During the pandemic there were steps taken in many areas to cope / develop / evolve and many of these steps are now viewed as useful in keeping for the longer term. One of […]

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Well done on week 1 of the summer term, great to see everyone back and we hope you had a nice break. It’s the May Day weekend with Monday a holiday and Tuesday In Service for staff only (exams are still on as scheduled). Key points: Covid – Things are moving in terms of restrictions […]

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After an extremely busy but productive term as we have moved further forward in how we live within the pandemic, it’s always a time of mixed emotions with assessments, course choice, leaving dates and next step plans whilst we turn our heads to the upcoming new courses, new P7’s and new timetable over the coming […]

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As we enter April with 1 big week to go, here are the key points below for Parents and Families. Covid – The picture remains the same for schools into next week. Use of coverings in corridors and busy places with sensible hand cleaning and ventilation in place. We may be in a different position […]

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With 10 working days to go until the Easter break, it has been another busy, intense but productive week in School.……the sun has helped. Covid – New guidelines will be released to schools for post Easter, these are moving towards a ‘living with covid’ position involving many activities, events and services coming back into place […]

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Key points; Views – Thank you for the responses to the broad questions to help us all get a sense check. It’s been a while since we have done this, the feedback was great and really useful to help us plan. Course Choice – Our S3,4,5’s are making big choices about their subjects and pathways […]

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Well done with this week to all that were involved in SQA assessments. We saw some great work on assessments in PE, Home Ec, Drama and more to come in Languages, more Drama and others….this is a big deal for those involved and the marks contribute to overall National outcomes – great work from all. […]

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As we progress through another busy week where young people enjoy their learning and education in a busy thriving Secondary School, our thoughts are with those directly or indirectly impacted by the conflict in Eastern Europe. Key points; Covid – Edinburgh Council have written to all Parents outlining some of the positive changes we are […]

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Welcome back to all from the Feb half term as we enter a busy period approaching Easter / Spring. Key points; Covid changes – Scottish Govt have announced changes to begin next week; Face coverings are to be worn in corridors and communal areas, they are no longer required during lessons. Youngsters can still wear […]

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As we reach the half term break it has been a busy time with assessments, course choice, reports (to name a few aspects) to help gauge progress and ongoing discussions with young people and their families about best next steps. Thanks for your help at home with these conversations and the sharing of messages / […]

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With 5 working days to go until we enter the Feb half term, the work is busy as conversations with young people, families and partners all take place to support youngsters into their new paths for the following school year and provide feedback to help them improve their outcomes. Thank you for the support at […]

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As we leave January and enter February we have 10 working days to go until the half term week. There is plenty of focus and business to take care of, together, in that time. Key points; Cultural Calendar – We had a Burns influenced day on Tuesday last week, thanks to all who contributed and […]

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Another busy week, some key points for this week; Uniform – Can Parents please ensure our Leith uniform is worn to School each day, PE kit brought in a school bags. Appropriate additional layers can be worn if needed. Speak to your House Head if you need support. We try to keep this simple for […]

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First full week back, well done to all as we move into a busy period of Course Choice, Assessment, Tracking, Learner Conversations, Parents’ Eve and Curriculum planning –  all geared towards helping young people achieve the goals they set themselves. Key points; Parent info! – All pupils should come to school in uniform, PE kit […]

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Despite some temperamental heating issues yesterday and today we were able to welcome youngsters back to Leith. We had engineers on site all day and Edinburgh Council provided portable heaters to help get us to a temperature we could work with. By around mid-morning the heating was fully repaired and coming through. We are advised […]

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Due to a boiler and heating issue across the School, we were unable to open safely today due to the temperature being too low for working conditions. The repair is well underway and we are told we will be in a position to open normally tomorrow at 8.30am. An email has been sent to Parents […]

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As we enter the final half day before we break for the holiday period, we are all regrettably feeling a sense underwhelmed with the recent developments linked to the pandemic. That said, our youngsters, staff, parents and partners have done outstanding work over term 1 Aug-Dec in supporting as full a return to learning as […]

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As we enter the final week before the end of term 1, we will keep you posted as things develop through next week on a number of fronts. For now some key points are; Assembly from M. Irving Please see the video assembly from Mr Irving on Back to Basics as we end 2021 and […]

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As we enter December, another busy week at Leith Academy. Some important points below; Covid – The Omicron situation continues to develop. From our end nothing changes, but we would like us all (Home, School) to reinforce our key steps of -hand hygiene -coverings -2m where we can adult;child -talk to youngsters about the important […]

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A busy week as ever, December begins next week and we are now entering the final period before the Christmas break. Some key points; Covid As the Covid presence continues, all families / youngsters must be mindful of the steps we should continue to take. Govt guidance has echoed the importance of ventilating rooms, but […]

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There have been an increase in Scottish Govt updates around the importance of the next few weeks linked to Covid, the NHS and continuing to try and take the proportionate steps we can to minimise disruption. Some key points; Covid continues – You will be aware that the Scottish and UK government are concerned over […]

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As we progress through November another busy week at Leith Academy with some key points below; COP26 Final days – well done to Ms Thompson, the Art Team and all the fantastic entries for the T-Shirt competition. Some of the quality of design, messaging and concern that came through was inspiring. S4,5,6 Assessment window / […]

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With Fireworks night upon us, stay safe and enjoy any community planned events with friends and family. Key points: Parents’ Eve – Well done to all last night re S4,5,6 Parents’ Eve, initial briefings from staff suggest the night was, for most, a positive experience in terms of connectivity. Hopefully the discussions around progress for […]

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Well done to all on the first week back. The clocks ‘fall back’ this weekend to hopefully provide some lighter mornings over the next few weeks. Key points; Covid in winter –  Having hoped there would be an easing of some restrictions, the Govt remains cautious over how the NHS will cope as we go […]

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Well done to all pupils as we make our way to the October break after a busy and successful term / return to School. Please note Monday 25th Teachers return for training. Pupils return on Tuesday 26th Oct arriving at school for 8.25am. Some key points; Senior Phase Parents’ Eve – Next term is a […]

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Another busy and positive week at Leith as we continue to support young people. Govt guidelines continue to be in place for Schools and these guides differ to that of society spaces, this is under ongoing review with Scot Govt, especially as we see the weather changing with Autumn. Key points- -Hello Yellow, Mental Health […]

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As we enter October and with only 10 working days until the October half term holiday, we begin to move further into courses / learning / tasks. The weeks begin to flow quickly towards the winter and it’s important we all have a good / positive mindset and do the simple things well; -Attend all […]

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Well done to all on another week. As we enter October next weeks, some key points below; Flu vaccine – Thank you to all who made this ‘first’ a successful process. The pupils and staff handled the situation well. NHS have offered us a number if Parents would like to catch up a missed vaccination […]

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We hope the School photos taken this week will be a nice addition to the home. The Pupils looked great in their Leith Uniform, thank you to Parents for the work supporting this at home. We enter the September holiday weekend and hopefully there will be some time to relax and recharge as we head […]

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Summer was hanging on to the early part of this week, though signs of Autumn are coming through. Some key points; Covid – please continue to bring a covering to school and to follow the guides that help keep us safe from the virus. Please find attached -a letter from Lorna French, Head of Schools […]

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Some key points as we progress through another week at Leith Academy; Covid19 – Across the country as schools return and restrictions in society ease, there are case occurring. Thank you to all Parents and Pupils for being proactive in telling school and keeping children off, if needed. Our steps with Coverings, Hand San, One […]

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Our first full week is complete and it has been another successful and busy one as we continue to get back into a familiar and consistent routine. Numbers of Covid positives across Scotland are clearly something to be aware of, with that in mind we must all do what we can collectively; -Wear a covering […]

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Week 1 is complete and we hope our youngsters enjoyed their return, even with the unexpected power outage on Thursday morning. Our S1-S6 have settled in well and will hopefully go from strength to strength as the weeks progress. Key points; Uniform – Pupils looked well as they returned dressed for work, please ensure pupils […]

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Dear Parents, Thank you for supporting the reactive steps we had to take this morning in light of a power issue across part of the Leith community. We now have power and are carrying out final checks on things such as fire alarm, lift, hot water boilers. Please see below return times for Pupils today; […]

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Dear Families and Pupils, We are finalising our preparations for the beginning of term tomorrow. Please check key information including the time you are to arrive at School tomorrow, it is covered on previous posts here School update 12 Aug 2021 – ( . Edinburgh Council have written to Parents with an update on Covid […]

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Dear Parents, Pupils and Families, We hope you are having an enjoyable summer break as we enter the final few days before our return for pupils next Wed 18th August. We will keep in touch over the coming days with any updates as Schools continue to plan for the return within the current pandemic picture. […]

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As we end the School year we have included final points before we finish on Friday. A letter will be sent to all Families over the course of the Summer with latest updates and plans. Please find below our latest calendar of events ‘Parent version’ to help planning. This may be subject to change with […]

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The penultimate Friday of the term has arrived. You will note we, like many other schools and parts of the country have been challenged and pushed by the Delta variant over recent weeks. Thank you for the ongoing work you do in echoing key messages and please continue to do all you can at home […]

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The timetable for 20/21 is now complete as we prepare for our new 21/22 timetable next week. We will make some changes to our staggered times to allow us the chance to issue timetables but in a Covid safe way. See main points below; S2 S3 Parents – please complete this consent to help us […]

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As we complete the first week in June, here are some key updates from this week; SQA Update – There have been several updates over the past few weeks as we come to the end of our assessing phase and are now working through the marking. There was also an update on the appeals process […]

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As we enter June we are taking the final steps in our assessment window in terms of looking at progress and supporting any follow up work with our young adults. We are also taking the first steps in getting ready for our new timetable due to start in a few weeks; busy as ever. Some […]

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This week has reminded us starkly that we must continue to take all the steps we can to manage Covid19 in our community. We will not remove Covid alone, but we can take steps to help. Some of these steps as we know are; -Coverings, hand san, 2m distance from adults -Home test kits, please […]

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As the weeks progress we are getting back into the full throttle life of a busy, dynamic, city Secondary School in the heart of Leith….and all that brings. It’s great having everyone back and we are doing all we can to support positive learning, engaging and being with friends. The releasing of restrictions is positive, […]

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A fairly short week this week and since our last update there isn’t too much ‘new’ to share. As we enter the first week of our assessment window, some key points of info are below; Covid Steps – All of our usual steps will remain in place next week and our staggered times will be […]

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As we enter the bank holiday weekend into May many of us will enjoy the easing of restrictions. That said, we are aware that colleagues across the country are still working through outbreaks and isolation periods. Though we cannot remove Covid, the steps we are taking will hopefully help us in managing situations in as […]

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Thank you to all of us involved with Leith Academy for making the first week as positive as possible. There is no denying the adjustment and planning required in having nearly 1000 pupils and 120 staff returning. We hope rest and relax is on your radar this weekend. Though we continue to travel out of […]

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As we almost cross the line for the Easter break it has as ever, been busy on a number of fronts as we prepare for the return to Summer term. We hope the information below is useful, we have tried to keep the info simple and easy to understand for all where possible. Please take […]

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We continue to work through our phased return. As much as it is really positive to have our schools feeling busier again, we must not take our eye off the mitigation ball in terms of hands, masks, 2m, wipe downs, one way, use of outdoors, use of home tests and any other steps we can […]

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Thanks to all Staff, Pupils and Families for the calm and safe approach taken this week to our phased return plans. We move to week 2 next week which has a light change to this week, please check week 2 attached below; Staggered times – please see our attached plan, below, for staggered times and […]

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The main focus this week is clearly thinking and planning for next week! Plans have been emailed to all families for next week, please familiarise yourself and the family with these to help make next week as positive and smooth as possible. We will be ready to react and adapt as the weeks progress. Some […]

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Following the First Minister’s announcements on Tuesday we are continuing to work on plans. There are many things to consider, first and foremost our priority is to make the return as safe as possible. We will keep in touch through next week with more details as they emerge. Some key points below; Phased return starting […]

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As we enter March next week we hope for further confirmation and detail form the First Minister next Tuesday around the community infection / transmission rate lowering, vaccination rates increasing and the planned steps to return laid out in greater detail. Well done again this week to the ongoing learning that has taken place at […]

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Another week of adjustments and latest developments to plan for as we enter a new stage of the recovery with nursery and P1-3 returning next week. We too will have some S4,5,6 returning to complete essential practical work that ‘can only’ be done in school, though with testing and 2m distance for all in place […]

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Dear S4,5,6 Pupils and Families, This is a brief update since Mr Irving spoke with you at assembly Tuesday morning. The First Minister confirmed the plan for S4,5,6 Practical coursework plans to continue. The message remains clear, if work can be completed at home and we can use our extensive digital solutions through iPad, Teams, […]

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We enter the half term break after a challenging 6 weeks of home learning and for the most part, staying at home to enable the pandemic numbers to come down to a safe level. We all hope efforts now will result in a more positive spring / summer 2021. Key points; First Minister update – […]

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As we enter the final week before the half term break away from screens, devices and Teams we continue to be impressed with the engagement and quality being shown by our pupils / families during the ‘stay at home’ lockdown. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister will provide an update on the Public Health position and in […]

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We enter the last week of January next week with 10 working days until the February half term ‘break’. Clearly it will be a break from work but it will continue to be a frustrating and difficult time as we live and work within tight restrictions in order to keep ourselves and others safe. Hopefully […]

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A huge well done to our brilliant community for the work completed and engaged in this week through our online learning; staff, pupils, parents, carers, partners have all been amazing in doing what they can to plan, adapt and support the changes we are all dealing with. We continue to work from home and stay […]

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Parents, Carers, Pupils and Families, We have been adapting, planning and organising over the last few days. As ever with the pandemic the pace is frantic and challenging. We will keep you updated as matters develop, for now some key points to take us into next week; Online learning update Assembly Monday morning Mr Irving, […]

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The weekend has clearly brought some news that we are all having to adapt to. Once again highlighting the need to continue to work against this virus and take any steps we need to keep safe. Key points; Changed School Dates The Scottish Govt have announced a change to the school dates as you will […]

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The final full week of 2020 in Schools is complete and although it has certainly not felt the same as usual there have been some festive events. Some key points below; Christmas themes We have been involved in leading, organising and delivering food parcels to various community hubs to show our support for families in […]

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As we enter the final full week next week in School it has been busy with developments and updates at School, Edinburgh and National level. Some key points to help keep you informed; Dates – Letter from Council School will continue until 12 midday on Tuesday 22nd December. Attached (above) is a letter from Cllr […]

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As time flies by, 3 weeks today is Christmas day but we have lots to complete and continue before the well-earned break. Some key points of info; Dates As per the Scottish Govt update, school term dates will remain as planned. For Edinburgh we finish at 12 midday on Tuesday 22nd December 2020. Our Parent […]

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As we enter December next week here are some key updates for below; Set the clock! A reminder we start at 8.30am for all pupils. Please work to meet this time and arrive ‘for’ 8.30am as we cannot let pupils in earlier than this due to Covid restrictions. Thank you. Fogging deep clean We are […]

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This week has seen further announcements on various levels across Scotland, Edinburgh as we know remains in level 3 with the restrictions associated to that level. From a school perspective we have continued to progress in many aspects where we can virtually or in person. Key points below; Infection Control Steps We continue to have […]

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A week with some positives as early news of steps regarding a vaccine emerge and a wonderful night for the country as the National Football Team qualify for next year. The expectation of 22yrs makes this significant, but compounding that is the fact we can now look forward to this event as a country in […]

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Another busy week at Leith Academy as we progress through November. Some key points of information for this week; Parents’ Eve Thank you to all Staff and Parents who contributed to making this a largely positive experience. Throughout Covid we have boldly embraced new ways of working. Our sole aim was to provide some form […]

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This has been a particularly busy week with updates and developments, Edinburgh as you know is in Level 3 of the latest Govt thresholds. It will be useful to familiarise yourself and your family the implications around this Govt based level. I have highlighted some points I think are of interest to Pupils and Families; […]

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We hope you had an enjoyable break last week. Today our staff were working on plans and details linked to our ongoing recovery. We have a big half term coming up, normally filled with presentations, concerts, parents’ eve and prelim assessments – all of which we are rethinking in line with National and Council advice […]

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My continued thanks to all our staff, pupils and families for the joint effort, work and support as we have navigated our way through a school half term like no other. Our community spirit which we have in Leith will be needed as we return through November and December so this break presents a welcome […]

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This week has had several updates for schools but also in our wider community as restrictions change. The weather turns to Autumn and this in itself will continue to bring added challenge to how we adapt through the pandemic. My communication yesterday was specifically linked to the SQA news and signposting you to the Parent […]

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Following the announcements yesterday from Nicola Sturgeon First Minister and John Swinney Deputy First Minister we will continue to plan our next steps. Andy Gray, Chief Education Officer has written to all Parents. The letter can be found here and you should have received a text taking you to the Council website. The SQA latest […]

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With 2 weeks till the October half term we are continuing to work hard to provide a balance of a happy, supportive learning environment alongside a safe and secure space in terms of infection control. The later depends heavily on our individual actions and I thank our Pupils and Staff for their continued efforts here. […]

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As we complete September and enter October next week we continue to work within the unpredictable landscape of the pandemic. Thank you for the support and understanding of those who were impacted by the positive case we had in our community which linked into the School. We received good support from ScotGovt and the NHS […]

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We have followed the guidelines set out by the NHS Team and have an update below. Please see a letter attached from NHS Lothian. This is the 2nd message from Mr Irving and NHS Lothian As you already know, we are aware of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We […]

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Pupils, Parents, Partners, We received an update from NHS Lothian today. There is no cause for alarm and the school remains open. Message from Mr Irving and NHS Lothian We were informed today of a person in the school who has tested positive for COVID-19. We are working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following […]

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Today we start the September weekend which presents us with a Monday holiday. We hope our families have a nice long weekend and that the weather holds in a positive way. Some key points and updates below; Staggered times Our staggered times and entry points will remain in place for next week. See earlier posts […]

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Update for stakeholders This week has seen a further shift in the First minister’s guidance we all have to follow. Once again I commend our staff and pupils who have worked together through the steps with a shared aim of trying to keep us as safe as possible. The announcements this week have been a […]

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Now that we have been back for almost a month we thought it was important to continue to echo and reinforce the importance of maintaining the steps we have planned at Leith Academy and also the steps our young adults need to take when in their community. Across the country it is well documented that […]

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Thank you for your efforts through this week as we implemented the guidance that we all should wear a covering when travelling around the school. It has been a cautious week in general regarding the pandemic as the First Minister watches parts of the country and our communities carefully. Some key points to keep you […]

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As we complete August and enter September our pupils and staff continue to work within the new expectations and restrictions we have in place. Continued thanks to all for supporting ‘Think LEITH’ and taking the steps we need to keep our return as safe as we can. Some key points below; Letters for Parents Through […]

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Dear Pupil, Parent, Partner, Edinburgh Council has written to all Parents with some updates on various themes including face coverings. The letter is available to view at the bottom of this post. All pupils and staff will play their part from Monday in responding to the Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister’s request that we should wear […]

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On Monday 31st August our school photographer will be with us to take individual photos of S1, S4 and S6 pupils. Many steps have been put in place, both as a school and in conjunction with our photographer, to make sure this is a safe process with physical distancing, sanitising before and after every photograph […]

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Thank you to all who have helped us through our first full week. All our stakeholders have responded as well as possible to the challenging situation. I spoke with all pupils today through Microsoft Teams and thanked them for their maturity in how they handled this week. This maturity will need to continue as we […]

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Update on returning to School Dear Pupils and Parents, We finished the week at full occupancy with a staggered entry and staggered exit. We will continue with this approach next week with details below, to help us control the flow in and out of the building at any one time. We have created ‘Think L.E.I.T.H’ […]

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We wish all of our Senior S4,5,6 Pupils the very best tomorrow when they receive their results. We are unable to recollect a time when it has been under these circumstances. As ever, there will be positives and aspects to look at on our return to School for pupils next week. Below are some links […]

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Pupils, Parent, Partners and all Stakeholders, We have come to the end of the school year and there has never been one like it. The announcements over the last few days have obviously had a significant impact on previous planning up to that point. The support from Staff, Parent Council and all our partners has […]

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As we finish the second last week and enter the last week of the School year it is certainly not filled with the usual emotions we associate with this time of year. That said we are working hard to provide some celebratory and enjoyable activities as befits the last weeks of the summer term alongside […]

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STAKEHOLDERS UPDATE FOR 12 JUNE 2020 As we progress through June there have been some announcements from Edinburgh Council today on the planning for August. Details in this area and other key points are below; School Plan – Alistair Gaw, Executive Director of Children & Families The Director has written to all Parents. This letter […]

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STAKEHOLDER UPDATE 5 JUNE 2020 I hope you are all continuing to cope and focus on positive aspects of this challenging situation. Again, thank you to everyone for the work being done at home, at hubs, via deliveries, online and in any other form as we all continue to support each other. As a way […]

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STAKEHOLDER UPDATE FOR 29 MAY 2020 Next week we enter June, and we begin to enter a period of time where lockdown measures begin to ease within certain conditions. I hope you have some time with friends and family beyond your own and enjoy a Scottish Summer weekend. This week has continued to be heavily […]

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As we complete another week there have been some updates at a National level that will be considered over the coming period of time. Please see below some key points; First Minister – phased recovery plan Following the First Minister’s announcement yesterday (Thursday) Education will continue to look at and develop possible plans over the […]

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We once again arrive at the Friday of another week. Today I have also provided my update in the form of a face to face video to at least have some sort of ‘normalised’ contact with our pupils and families. Click here The key points for today; New Learning We have made the move […]

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UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS 10TH MAY 2020 Primarily I hope you are all taking steps to remain safe and well within the continued restrictions. We would be in the full throws of our summer term by now with the exams progressing alongside internal assessments in school, work placements, P7 transition activities, moving pupils into a […]

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STAKEHOLDER UPDATE 1 MAY 2020 We enter May and I hope the week has been to some degree productive on various fronts. Learning will play its part from a school point of view but I hope there has been productivity in other ways within your family; doing things together, talking together more and exercising / […]

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UPDATE TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS 24 APRIL 2020 Week one is complete of the summer term. There are several updates below linking to the position we are in now and also to some of the steps and plans we are discussing as a school as we move through the summer term. Key points; SQA Please continue […]

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Ordinarily we would be returning from the Easter break excited at the start of the Summer term and ready for a wide variety of school events from Exams to our Evening of Celebration. We all know that this is clearly not the case. The priority remains that if at all possible we stay at home […]

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UPDATE FOR STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY 3 APRIL 2020 This is a follow on message from yesterday’s briefing. As we officially enter the Easter break it will not have the usual interactions we associate with the beginning of Summer. SQA As mentioned yesterday we were awaiting a statement from the Scottish Qualifications Authority. This came […]

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UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY 2 APRIL 2020 In ordinary times we would be completing our term at Leith Academy tomorrow and wishing our pupils and their families a pleasant Easter holiday. We are certainly not in that place at present. Thank you to all stakeholders. Our staff, our parents, our pupils and […]

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EMAIL WHICH WAS SENT OT ALL PARENTS ON FRIDAY 27 MARCH 2020 Dear Parent / Carer / Family, We hope you are doing as well as possible in these circumstances. Thank you for following the guidance where possible and keeping yourself and your children / family at home. This will help the work we are […]

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UPDATE FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS OF LEITH ACADEMY The announcement last night from the Prime Minister and First Minister naturally is triggering conferences and meetings as we adjust to the situational developments. I have tried to take the significant amounts of information coming in at present and provide you with what may be useful to us […]

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STATEMENT FOR ALL STAKEHOLDERS AT LEITH ACADEMY You will have seen from Sunday’s update there have been some developments in certain areas; SQA and coursework. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister spoke plainly that pupils are not to be in schools to complete SQA coursework. Schools have been shut for medical reasons in preventing disease spread, especially […]

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Thank you to all stakeholders; Parents, Partners and Pupils for the supportive stance you have taken and are taking during this challenge. My Teaching and Support staff have worked extremely hard under tight timelines and conditions to provide the support they can to our pupils. This will continue where possible, as we now go into […]

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STATEMENT FOR LEITH ACADEMY STAKEHOLDERS 19 MARCH 2020 I have attached a letter for Parents from Andy Gray, Chief Education Officer, Edinburgh Council for your information. There will be more Council updates to follow, please continue to check the council website and our Leith website / twitter. Since yesterday we have had updates from different […]

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STATEMENT AND UPDATE FOR ALL LEITH ACADEMY STAKEHOLDERS Announcements have been made today around the planned closure of Schools in a bid to take sensible steps in curbing the pandemic in the United Kingdom. There will be further details to the announcements which are carried by various media streams, I will keep you updated as […]

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We are in a reactive position to respond to any announcements from government. We will keep you updated as matters develop across Scotland and the UK. The update we would send you today, as you can expect is largely dominated by current affairs linked to the Coronavirus. See below; PISA Recently, we were randomly selected […]

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We are keeping a close eye on any updates regarding the Coronavirus. Both at home and at school we can work with young people on taking sensible steps to support them in busy public spaces. Business as usual presses on in schools as we are in the process of SQA internal assessments for our Seniors […]

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This week has been dominated by our Eco Drive with the Pupil Council. We were joined today by Ben MacPherson MSP who spoke with young people about the ideas they have to make Leith Academy greener. He also spoke with our community as we celebrated Purple Friday. Some further updates are below; Purple Friday As […]

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As we return from the mid term break we are preparing ourselves for a very busy and significant term. S6 pupils are entering their final 7 weeks of formal Schooling and our younger pupils are getting set for their choices and transition into the next year group. Some updates for you below; Uniform update How […]

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Leith Dress Code Update Every year as we approach Spring we take a closer look at our uniform and dress code. The code is simple and easy to follow for Parents. Please support us with this. Please use the half term to update any items if needed as we will be checking carefully on our […]

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As we hurtle towards the half term holiday next week we have a big week planned supporting Mental Health, Diversity and our Business Links. See below; Diversity Day NEXT THURSDAY – Is our famous Diversity Day where we will have stalls, shows, food, refreshments, performances and many more exciting activities for all Pupils and Parents. […]

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Another busy and successful week at Leith Academy as the days get longer. 3 weeks today we break up for the February holiday so every lesson / day / week counts as we enter the ‘choice’ process as pupils select their pathways. Some highlights and key points to keep you informed; Dance Team 5 pupils […]

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The following sessions are being offered by staff to help pupils make improvements based on their post prelim feedback from teachers. There are a huge number of sessions running, so please make use of these and plan them into your revision schedules.

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Wishing you all a Happy New Year as we enter 2020 at Leith Academy. We’ve had a very positive first week back with Pupils, Staff and Partners energised and ready to deliver improved outcomes for the young people of Leith. Time will go quickly with only 4 weeks today until the Feb half-term. This is […]

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The Youth Philanthropy Initiative Final is on Thursday (19th Dec) afternoon and we look forward to showcasing our S3 presentations for this year. We will reveal the names of the finalists to the pupils today, and those pupils will be out of lessons for the day on Thursday so that they can rehearse during periods […]

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Staff, Pupils and Partners Prelims The prelims finish today, thank you for the support you have provided to the young adults as they ‘take stock’ of where they are in their courses. Our next steps are to mark and give feedback on what has gone well and what next steps are needed to plan for […]

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As we enter December the festive season is beginning to come to life within the Academy. It is as ever a busy and hectic time from performances to prelims happening across the school over the coming weeks. My Christmas letter has been emailed to Parents and I trust this gives you time to make any […]

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Staff, Pupils and Partners Live N Learn All of our S4’s had a session from Jen at where the pupils worked on having a positive mindset. Breaking study and revision into manageable steps. Understanding the importance of planning your week. The session was timed to link in to the upcoming prelims in Dec. Prelims […]

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Our Prelim timetable is now ready for pupils and their families to discuss and plan alongside. Please bear in mind that over the summer exams the SQA have 7 weeks to run these. During School prelims we have 2 weeks so there will be smaller gaps in between exams with some exams being on the […]

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Website Our website handover is complete. We will go one step at a time….. My Parent version ‘post’ of Head’s News will be available….. Remembrance Thank you to Rev May, the Prefects and all involved in pulling together this historic act we have done for many years at Leith next to our war […]

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As we enter November it was another busy week at Leith Academy. The bulletin which is emailed to Parents through the week keeps you updated with the events / sign ups / clubs and trips that go on in any given week. Below is some news to help keep you informed of ongoing developments across […]

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As we come to the end of the first half term it’s been a really busy week with great activities. Autumn / Winter – With the weather changing, Parents are asking about ordering our Leith hoodies. See details to order below; S4,5,6 Track 1 reports – These are complete. Parents can access the report for […]

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